Webinar Registration Open: “Myanmar’s Bottom-Up Circular Economy: Challenges and Opportunities in REUSE and REPAIR”

- Jurnalis

Jumat, 28 Februari 2025

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Date: 5 March 2025
Time: 10:30 AM – 13:00 PM Jakarta Time
Registration: bit.ly/PSPMyanmar

The Regional Knowledge Centre for Marine Plastic Debris of ERIA, in collaboration with Thant Myanmar, is hosting a webinar titled “Myanmar’s Bottom-Up Circular Economy: Challenges and Opportunities in REUSE and REPAIR.” This event will showcase Myanmar’s unique approach to circular economy practices, particularly in reducing plastic consumption through reuse and repair systems. 

This webinar will explore how the country’s economy functions with minimal plastic consumption and how these practices can inform circular economy strategies across ASEAN. Industry leaders and experts will share insights into innovative approaches to reuse, and repair models within consumer goods, cosmetics, and sustainable business practices. Register now to be part of the discussion! 

Baca Juga :  VRITIMES Jalin Kerja Sama Strategis dengan Ntbpost.com dan Bisnisntb.com

Save the Date 

Date: 5 March 2025 

Time: 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM (Myanmar Time) / 10:30 AM – 13:00 PM (Jakarta Time) 

Platform: Zoom 

Registration: http://bit.ly/PSPMyanmar  

What to Expect 

Insights into Myanmar’s bottom-up circular economy, highlighting low plastic consumption models. 

Case studies on reuse and repair initiatives from leading private sector actors, including sustainable beauty, consumer goods, and food industries. 

Research findings on consumer behaviours and barriers to circular business models in Myanmar. 

Interactive Q&A session with experts and business innovators. 

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Speakers Include: 

Yee Yee Mon, Venus Skin Lux: Piloting Refill as a substitute for sachets. 

Nilar Tun, Independent Consultant: Research on consumer goods reuse and repair. 

Ngwe Tun, Genius Coffee: Challenges and opportunities in loose and reusable packaging in the food industry. 

Moderator: Friedor Jeske, Programme Director, Thant Myanmar. 

The event will be conducted in English, with simultaneous translation into Burmese, and e-certificates of attendance will be provided. 

Don’t miss this opportunity to explore Myanmar’s innovative approaches to the circular economy. Register now and be part of the conversation! 

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